Wednesday, October 7, 2009

pillar to post, hither and thither, helter skelter -- life as a support staff

I have come to realize -- and hopefully, in due time, will accept -- that my schedule revolves around that of my family. I will be free for lunch if both kids happen to have after-school classes that day; I can make it for a dinner appointment if my husband does not have any work/social engagements AND can make it in time to get my son home from school.....

Once I signed up for a course that took up Wednesday evenings for a whole month. After making sure dinner was already cooked, after reminding everybody to help Daddy clean up, I still faced a barrage of protests by the time next Wednesday came around. Needless to say, I never tried it again, although I probably should -- if anything, it would at least remind them what Mummy does for them everyday!

I anticipated that being a stay-at-home mother would involve supporting everybody's schedule, but some days it seems as if my life is to be lived in the pockets wedged between everybody's timetables. So writing this blog will be an interesting experiment -- who knows, something creative and fruitful could come from these oddly-timed, here-and-there snatches of freedom, much like some plants spring, growing lustily even, from cracks in the pavement.

Photo credit - Alex Brollo

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